Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Camicando 2009

Just exchanged emails with Martha and Manolo yesterday - Martha reminded me to spread the word about the CaMiCando festival to all Toronto tangueros/tangueras. It's only 6 more months away, and there will be special events to celebrate CaMiCando's 5th anniversary!

All details about the CaMiCando festival, including dates, prices, the classes offered, teachers' biographies etc. are available on the CaMiCando website here.

We've been to the festival for two years in a row now, and we are already making plans to go next year. Many of the people we've encountered at the festival have also attended the festival multiple times - for example, one of our friends in Germany whom we met at the festival in 2006 also attended in 2007 and will be attending with her parents again for 2009. For us, and for many of its other alumnis, CaMiCando is really like a family reunion.

FYI - Martha's message to Toronto: "It will be lovely if a lot of people from Toronto came to the festival." *

* As for OUR (i.e. Irene and Man Yung's) message to Toronto: Yes, it would indeed be lovely if lots of people from Toronto went to the festival. If you choose to go, you will enjoy yourself, meet other wonderful friendly tangueros/tangueras from all over the world who will remember you and email you after the festival is over, and learn lots from top teachers who actually want you to learn what they are teaching.

But we know what you guys would rather be spending your money on (e.g. this or this or perhaps even this)! Contrary to what you think, we actually don't mind that you would rather waste your time - in fact, we find it rather marvelous. As Man Yung often says quite possessively,
"Martha and Manolo are mine, all mine! - MWWWWWWAAAARRGGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"**

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